Answer: Aww it’s ok hun, just breathe for a second. Your doing great, but this test can affect your grade if you don’t put your best in it. So why don’t you come off of here, and try focusing on your test BUT to help you get motivated just think of your future goals and play some music to get you happy. Then once you finish that test, enjoy yourself!
You got this, now go on-you have a test to finish
Duplicity is another words for dishonesty
No this isn't third person it is first, this is known because you know what the kids thoughts are and it keeps repeating what he is doing in his point of view and the word ' I ' keeps showing up so this is in first person
Yes the volume of cuboid is l×b×h
means in maths subject
Yes, the lady in Cullen's poem is a deeply prejudiced and ignorant person, who doesn't want to really get to know black people as they are. Those prejudices seem to be so deeply engraved in collective memory that black people are associated with slavery, menial jobs, and intellectual inferiority. Hurston argues that media have the power to solve this problem. Hurston writes: "It is assumed that all non-Anglo-Saxons are uncomplicated stereotypes. Everybody knows all about them. They are lay figures mounted in the museum where all may take them in at a glance. They are made of bent wires without insides at all. So how could anybody write a book about the non-existent?"
Similarly, in Cullen's short and poignant poem, the lady believes that even in heaven black people will be assigned the same kind of duty that they have on Earth, in her opinion. It's as if they aren't capable of doing anything else, nor are they entitled to anything else above that.