Convenience: You don’t have to worry about how much cash you have on hand. Just remember that you can always use a debit card instead. With a debit card you won’t be in danger of accumulating debt that will be subject to high interest charges if you don’t pay it off each month, like you would with a credit card. Remember to keep track of your checking account balance to be sure you can cover what you’re buying.
James Wilson could achieve this objective by focusing on both cost reduction and revenue enhancement
What is Cost reduction?
Cost reduction is the procedure of lowering a business's expenses in order to increase profits. It entails locating and eliminating expenses that don't benefit customers in any way, as well as streamlining operations to increase productivity.
What is revenue enhancement?
The objective of any successful revenue enhancement strategy is to build and improve on current payment levels and then recover arrear debt. As indicated, this document seeks to identify causes for non-payment and to develop a strategy to address those challenges.
Learn more about Cost reduction and revenue enhancement here:
B the responsiveness of quantity demanded of a good due to a change in its price.
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