As of December 31, 2029, there 22,731 electric generators at about 10,346 utility scale electric power plants in the United States. (Extra info here: Utility-scale power plants have a total nameplate electricity generation capacity of at least 1 megawatt (MW)
Increase extremist groups because the more people ten the most that happens
A topographic map illustrates the topography, or the shape of the land, at the surface of the ... at the areas marked with an orange box on this map you will see contour elevation ... shows an area that has a fairly steep slope, while the area boxed in purple is a relatively. Hope this helps!!!!!!!!
Rome was corrupted already by its large expanse. the it was the factor of the people. the peopl ewere not satisfied with what was going on like the persecutions. Another thing that was happing was the amoun tof terrible and unbenifactory leaders. Some such as Nero Destroyed parts of the empire. The last factor is Religion. When the Christians Came along, they pretty much indirectly destroyed Rome.