Todos los días me despierto, me ducho y luego me lavo los dientes. Si no fuera por Corona virus también me prepararía más para ir a la escuela. A veces desayuno y luego me pongo a trabajar. Cuando la escuela ha terminado, hago cosas que me gusta hacer, como jugar videojuegos. Pero mi mamá a veces me hace otras tareas antes de que pueda hacer eso.
English Translation: Everyday I wake up, shower and then brush my teeth. If it weren't for CVD-19 I would also get myself more prepared to go to school. I sometimes eat breakfast and then get to work. When school is over I do things I like to do such as play video games. But my mom sometimes makes me to other chores before I can do that.
Novio is how you say boyfriend in Spanish.
The translation is:
This discursive Mode has aim to express opinions or refute them with in order to convince and or persuade a receiver. The authors purpose may be prove or demonstrate a idea ( or thesis), refute the contrary or convince,persuade, dissuade The receiver over determined behaviors, facts or ideas.
“to tome el disco” is incorrect