presta means to lend, habla means to speak, estudia means to study, levanta means to raise, or lift.
I think a average Spanish speaking culture would have a completely different daily routine because we all different we all have something that we do different like what we wear what we eat and etc and I think their after school activities would be different to let’s say I go straight home for school but you don’t know if they play a sport after that or work after that.
7. Yo vivido en NY por 10 años
18. El descanso por 30 minutos
17. Usted a corrido por 20 minutos
16. Yo e traído libros por 15 años
English: It fit into Spanish by filling in the missing letters
Spanish: Encaja en español rellenando las letras que faltan
Did u mean like this, or did you forget something? I think you did tho