Hey I believe the answer is A
Almapal wkso ow,so so ow, so,w own,wow, wokwow,w so wow s
Roma was facing a political crisis, many senators and politicians were fighting to see who gains power of Rome and Octavian the son of Caesar become the sole ruler of Rome and saved everyone from more bloodshed. (from the civil war)
Baldassare Castiglione wrote the Book of the Courtier from 1508 until it was published in 1528. (B).
Herbert hoover important in WWI because When the U.S. entered the war, President Woodrow Wilson appointed Hoover to lead the Food Administration, and Hoover became known as the country's "food czar". After the war, Hoover led the American Relief Administration, which provided food to the inhabitants of Central Europe and Eastern Europe.