What would happen if M RNA were radio actively labeled instead of polypeptides is that instead of one seeing the DNA passing through all the molecular factories you will instead see just messenger RNA taking code and delivering it to Ribosome. This is mainly found in cytoplasm and Endoplasmic recticulums.
sensory and integration
those are the two main functions.
This would be an example of overproduction. The frog lays thousands of eggs, which is more than it needs, or would need in perfect conditions.
The correct option is 'C' that is eventually the population stop increasing or would decreases due to lack of food and living space.
In 1798, he wrote an essay on Principle of population where he described that how the population will grow with economy.
He claimed that the population will grow until the food supply decreases and then the population will stop growing due to lack of food and space and those individuals that can fight against this condition and and could attain food, space and other essential necessities will survive.