The Title II is the title which is related to the effectiveness of the teacher and also the preparation of the teacher.
Among the titles given, the Title II are related with bringing in improvement in the system of education. It is responsible for getting effectiveness of the teacher and to prepare the teacher how to teach a particular topic in the class to the students.
The main purpose of this is to increase the achievement of the students to over come the problems that they face in the field of academics. For this purpose, the effectiveness of the teacher is to be increased so that the performance of the student also increases as a result of this.
The teachers number of should also be increased because there should be a certain number of children only that a teacher should teach at a particular period of time. It also gives the incentives to the students who belong to the low income groups and the people of the minority section an access to good teachers.
The primary source document that could help a historian understand why the US Civil War started is a Charleston Mercury editorial published in 1860 because it contains factual accounts of the events during that time.
Answer: This would mean permanently altering the federal system and the definition of American citizenship.
The living situation in slums was bad and an unhealthy environment especially for children.
Living in a bad situation indicates that the people need some resources and supplies for their families. Boys should handle this tough situation in serving their families.
So they loitering in the streets resulted in being captured by police and they will be sent to the reformatory. This reformatory suited for the people having a negative mind and it doesn't improve the lives of young people.
Samuel de Champlain was born at Brouage around 1570. There is no known portrait of the Father of
New France and little is known about his family. His father and uncle were sea captains and he informed
the French court that the art of navigation had attracted him from his “tender youth.” We do not know
where he learned the many skills (navigation; cartography; drawing; geography) that prepared him for
his North American experience. In all likelihood Champlain learned about sailing at Brouage, a port on
the French Atlantic coast, a key stopover for ships of all nations who needed to take on cargoes of salt
before sailing for the fishing grounds off Newfoundland and the coast of New England. Concerning his
military skills, we know that he served as a soldier in the French province of Brittany where Catholic
forces allied with Spain opposed Henry IV as the rightful king of France. From 1595 to 1598, he served
in the army of Henry IV with the title of sergeant quartermaster. His uncle was also involved in this final
chapter of the war of religions and, at the conclusion of hostilities, we find them reunited at the port
of Blavet where the two sailed for Spain in 1598. From Spain Champlain joined a fleet bound for the
Spanish West Indies, a voyage that took him two years and a half. While he never published an account
of this voyage, several manuscript versions exist of the Brief discours des choses plus remarquables
que Samuel Champlain de Brouage a reconnues aux Indes Occidentals [Narrative of a Voyage to the
West Indies and Mexico in the years 1599-1602]. The work includes many illustrations of the flora and
fauna of the sites visited, and several maps of islands and cities such as Porto Rico, the Virgin Islands,
Guadeloupe, Panama, Cartagena, and Havana.