Hercules was not in the civil war
Adolf Hitler (1889-1945) and his associates staged the Beer Hall Putsch in Munich from November 8 to 9, 1923, a failed takeover of the government of Bavaria, a state in southern Germany.
Option "B" is the correct answer.
Since withholding information about their supposed affiliation with the Communist Party, the chosen 10 people were reported for contempt of Parliament and permanently banned: Scriptwriter Alvah Bessie, Film director and producer Herbert Biberman.
Imperialism, although it is bad for the conquered countries and regions, is good for the countries that practice it, and even for those countries conquered to some extent (in terms of technology, development), and obtaining extra resources for conquering peoples. While the imperialist country obtains abundant net resources from other regions, expands its political power and makes its power and its world presence larger, the conquered country can obtain technology and life forms that help it from the conquering country. All the imperialist countries have enjoyed a better quality of life for their population and greater social and technological development, given the advantages of having many more lands, resources and people under their power. But finally, when conquered people fight for their independence, this power becomes to decrease and finally its lost.
The Greeks were able to regroup. To defend against the Persians, Athens formed the Delian League, making the city-state the most powerful in Greece. In response to the growing power of Athens, the Spartans formed their own league, and the two powers went to war.