No sé el contexto en qué pregunta estás haciendo. Lo siento
Answer: 1. No puedo salir porque mi carro está dañado.
2. Esa revista ya está leída.
3. Cuando regresé de las vacaciones, vi que todas mis plantas estaban muriéndose.
4. Los términos del préstamo están descritos en inglés y español.
5. Rubén Blades es conocido por su música, pero también es actor y político.
6. Mañana todos mis problemas van a estar resueltos.
As the text is not added to the question, I will provide some ideas for you to write the corresponding paragraph.
As regards similarities, it might be said that both countries have a great influence on food for many different countries such as China, Japan, Mexico.
they concentrate most of their population in the big cities (New York/ Buenos Aires)
They have great Universities and postgraduates course in many different fields of study.
In connection with differences, it might be said that in the US the official language is English while in Argentina the official language is Spanish (Castellano).
While in the US people is used to eat big breakfasts, in Argentina people have "mate" coffee or tea with something to eat.
In the US people go to sleep quite early in Argentina people go to bed very late at night (23.00 or 00.00, maybe later) every day.