I believe the correct answer choice is option B. Celebrates African traditions.
The holiday Kwanzaa is known to celebrate or honor African heritage in African-American culture through the dates of December 26 to January 1.
Hope this helps! :)
<span>Entre 1860 y 1914 la Argentina experimentó un acelerado crecimiento económico, caracterizado por la ampliación de su producción exportable y por la unificación de sus mercados interiores, que se basó en gran medida en el ingreso masivo de capitales extranjeros. Estos países, a la par que aumentaron su capacidad exportadora de productos manufactureros, también aumentaron sus necesidades de importación de productos primarios (cereales, lana, carne, etc.). Además se orientó hacia los denominados "países nuevos", que por su escaso desarrollo productivo podrían proveer esos productos a bajo costo: Estados Unidos, Canadá, Australia, Nueva Zelanda, Uruguay y, por supuesto, la Argentina. La exportación de capitales a los países nuevos fomentó una doble especialización: la de los países nuevos, que orientaron su crecimiento hacia la exportación del producto primarios y la Europa occidental que vio complementada y luego sustituida su producción primaria, al tiempo que ampliaba los mercados externos para su producción industrial.</span>
Born in mythology
As it turns out, the figure dates back to Roman and Greek mythology. Cupid is the ancient Roman god of love and counterpart to the Greek god Eros. According to mythology, Cupid was the son of Mercury, the winged messenger of the gods, and Venus, the goddess of love.
The correct answer is "Resignation."
What is a potential barrier to efficiency is "Resignation."
> It is not "Direction," because it provides the path to move to the desired place the organization wants to arrive.
> It is not "prediction," because it is a forecast of possible scenarios to be faced in the near future.
> It is not "Deliberation" because deliberation allows people to express their arguments in order to come up with a solution.
> That is why the correct answer is "Resignation."
> Resignation makes people assume a comfortable position in the company and they refrain to make their best effort.
> Let's have in mind that efficiency is "to make more with less."
> Efficiency is a key component to be effective in the corporate world.
We can conclude that to be efficient, employers need to be trained and constantly motivated to perform at the best of their capabilities. Otherwise, one of the risks is they can assume an attitude of resignation.
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