The British government ended its policy of salutary neglect, which was essentially a very hands-off way of governing the colonies, when it implemented and enforced taxation laws such as the Townshend and Stamp Acts.
Can you put more details in
Inductive approach
The inductive approach is the approach of research in which a person chooses his/her interesting topic for further research. He/she collect the data for research. When the researcher collects the data, then the researcher took breather data from data collection.
A birds-eye has been taken on a collection of data. The researcher will take a look at data and try to develop theory related research and will explain it.
When any of the research takes a look at this pattern, the researcher will observe the set of rules and reached a general idea of the proposition about the experience during research. Researchers transform from data collection to theory development. This approach is based on specific to general ideas.
4. Solar energy makes food grow. By eating the food we can create a store of chemical energy inside us. We can use this stored energy to do work like wind an alarm clock. The clock now has potential energy.
5. You pedaling the bike is transforming chemical energy, supplied by the breakdown of the food you eat, into mechanical energy to turn the pedals. The chemical energy is potential and the mechanical energy is kinetic
6. As a pendulum swings, its potential energy converts to kinetic and back to potential. Recall the concept of conservation of energy—that energy may change its form, but have no net change to the amount of energy.
7. Renewable resources def: ways to generate energy from (theoretically) unlimited natural resources. These resources are either available with no time limit or replenish more quickly than the rate at which they are consumed
Examples of Renewable resources
• Solar energy.
• Wind energy.
• Geothermal energy.
• Hydropower.
• Bioenergy.
Nonrenewable resources def: A non-renewable resource is a natural resource that cannot be readily replaced by natural means at a quick enough pace to keep up with consumption. An example is carbon-based fossil fuel. The original organic matter, with the aid of heat and pressure, becomes a fuel such as oil or gas
I hope this helps