Terminating decimals have a finite number of digits after the decimal point. Repeating decimals have one or more repeating numbers or sequences of numbers after the decimal point, which continue infinitely.
The positive value of
will result in exactly one real root is approximately 0.028.
Step-by-step explanation:
, roots are those values of
so that
. That is:
Roots are determined analytically by the Quadratic Formula:

The smaller root is
, and the larger root is
has one real root when
. Then, we solve the discriminant for

The positive value of
will result in exactly one real root is approximately 0.028.
Nah this is easy. LQM is a rough estimate of 4050, which every angle is 70 degrees because it’s an acute triangle

Simple Calculator Calculation
Area = Length x Height
Area = 5.4 x 5.4
Area = 29.16