The second one. To protects them from hearing the deadly song of the sirens
Black musicians had to face racial segregation, racism and the artistic devaluation of their work.
During the Harlem Renaissance, jazz became a very popular song in the black community. The black musicians were brilliant and extremely talented and were able to compose exciting and completely admirable music. Over time, this song started to please the white US elect who started to hire black musicians to play in bars and restaurants. However, blacks were not allowed in these places because of the great racism and social segregation that were established in America. The white elite, however, allowed black musicians to enter these places so that they could entertain white guests with music, which was not artistically valued, but seen as mere entertainment and a way to keep blacks working for whites.
1. When you agree with something
2. A strong yes
3. A battle cry when something is thrown or launched Ya yeet.
(Yuh-Yeat) is how you pronounce it (replace the "F" in "feat" and put a "Y" in front. They sound the same but with a "Y" sound instead"
1) I do karate since I was a child.
2) I have this phone for two months.
3) I know Marcia since I was at school.
4) We live in this town/city for ten years.
5) I want to buy a new car for a long time.
I hope this helped!