Many countries wanted to control over many economic activities in other countries as well as utilize other countries for cheap labor. In addition, some countries wanted to explore the world and conquer for their homeland while other countries thought that their own country and race was superior to all other countries and therefore believed it was needed that they invade other countries and educate them as well as some countries practicing imperialism to convert people to their religion.
Government regulation plays a role in business in protecting consumers, preventing actions taken by businesses that will hurt the overall economy, and also in regulating the financial industries sector to prevent major economic turmoil. Periods of unregulated economic activity have been mired by large booms and busts, so governments have attempted to intervene to regulate economies in order to prevent these damaging cycles to economies.
Immigration's Impact on Republican Political Prospects, 1980 to 2012 ... A comparison of voting patterns in presidential elections across ... How has the growth of the immigrant population changed the political party leanings in the places ... Nevertheless, the rise of a durable Democratic Party dominance in .
Wood's Despatch is the event observed in History of India under British Rule. Sir Charles Wood was the Preseident of Board of Control of the British East India Company. In 1854 he sent the Despatch to the then Governor Lord Dalhousie regarding the education in India. ... This is known as Wood's despatch
The economy in the United States in the 1920's varied greatly from European countries. After WWl, Europe struggled to rebuild. Europe had taken the brunt of the attacks and went into a deep depression. The United States in contrast boomed. The economy was better than ever before. Since no attacks had happened on American soil, we were able to mass produce consumer goods, etc. People were buying on credit, investing in the stock market, and moving to the city. Life was good in America; not so good in Europe.