Pones la mesa? set the table
Haces la cama? make the bed
Usas la aspiradora? use the vacuum
Friegas los platos? scrub the dishes
Sacudes los muebles? dust the furniture
Levantas la basura en tu dormitorio? pick up the trash in your room
Sacas la basura? take out the trash
Quitas la mesa? clear the table
Lavas el bano? wash the bathroom
Limpias la cocina? clean the kitchen
Guardas la ropa? put away the clothes
Secas la ropa? dry the clothes
Cocinas la comida? cook the food
Compras las <span>comestibles? buy the groceries
I know it's not 20 but it's what I could think of off the top of my head.
Can you add a screenshot file instead of a doc?
Answer:Nosotras queremos ir a la playa.
That is the right answer
1. Corre más rápido. No corras más rápido.
2. Llena el tanque. No llenes el tanque.
3. Sal ahora. No salgas ahora.
4. Descarga ese documento. No descargues ese documento.
5. Levántate temprano. No e levantes temprano.
6. Hazlo ya. No lo hagas ahora.
In this exercise you have to write commands taking into account the Spanish phrases you have from 1 to 6.
For example:
1. Run faster. Do not run faster.
2. Fill in the tank. Do not fill in the tank.
3. Get out now. Do not go out now.
4. Download that document. Do not download that document.
5. Get up early. Don't get up early.
6. Do it now. Do not do it now.