1. Primero prende tu computadora.
2. Empieza a escribir tu tarea.
3. No pierdas el tiempo.
4. Cuando termines, guarda el archivo cuidadosamente.
5. Revisa lo que escribiste.
The imperative mode is used to give orders, requests or wishes. The imperative has its own forms only in the second person of the plural and the singular (tu, vosotros) in the rest of the people we use the subjunctive mode.
This verbs are the verbs that tell someone to do something.
Yo tenía esto pero se me olvidó perdona
The correct answer is la pastilla or also known as pastilla de freno, in english it means break pad
Known mainly for the insect that transmits it, the tsetse fly, it is endemic in some areas of sub-Saharan Africa and, in total, affects 36 countries. "The direct or indirect [...] effects of climate on the distribution of the tsé-tsé fly -which is usually found in the vegetation around rivers and lakes, in forests and in the savannah10 play an important role in the expansion of the fatal disease ", explain the authors of the work.