<span>American troops finally withdrew.</span>
Answer is D.
Germany out of those 4 countries had the most dramatic territorial changes during that time period.
It would be the Cold War between the US and the Soviet Union in which Reagan fought any progressive movements like the Sandinistas in NIcaragua by funding the contras and also he bombed Kaddafi in Libya by trying to make him out to be a tyrant when in fact it turns out that he transformed Libya into one of the most modern and progressive countries in Africa under him.
Our flagship World Development
Report 2012 demonstrated that gender equality and economic development are inextricably linked. It showed
that equality not only guarantees basic
rights but also plays a vital role in promoting the robust, shared growth needed to end
extreme poverty in our increasingly competitive, globalized world. The persistent constraints and deprivations that prevent many
of the world’s women from achieving their
potential have huge consequences for individuals, families, communities, and nations.
The 2012 report recognized that expanding
women’s agency—their ability to make decisions and take advantage of opportunities—
is key to improving their lives as well as the
world we all share.
D. Rome was located on the Nile River which supported a strong economy through trade.
Rome was located on the Tiber River.