Aariannaa276 asked for help, <u>so</u> I agreed to help her. Luckily for her, I was available, <u>and</u> I wasn't busy with other things. It appears that she wasn't desperate for help, <u>for </u>she did not say 'pleeez,' or 'helllp,' or promise a Brainliest crown as reward. It really wouldn't make any difference anyway if she had since I never ask my Brainly students for money, <u>nor</u> would I accept it if they were to offer it. I've used five conjunctions so far, <u>yet</u> I still have two more to go. You know, I could've provided aariannaa276 with just some boring sentences as examples as she requested, <u>but</u> I decided to provide this cleverly written paragraph instead. She's either going to think I am clever guy, <u>or</u> she's going to roll her eyes at me.