How does line, space, color, form, value, shape create movement, emphasis, variety, balance, pattern, rhythm?
Ivahew [28]
The elements of art are the basic components that make up a work of art… ... Visual weight balances around an artwork's axis. The axis may be vertical, in which visual elements balance on both sides of the axis. Artworks may also balance around a horizontal axis, in which visual elements balance from top to bottom
Caetano was one of the greatest musicians, behind Sam Cooke of course.
Mr. Birkway was not upset with Phoebe because he read her suspicions out to the class in her private journal, he then explained to Phoebe what happened regarding Mrs. Cadaver, Mr.Cadaver, Mrs. Partridge, and himself.
The answer is C. 33 percent
To glorify God and to help us get a visual of what happened in the bible time