Yo juego al fútbol.
Él juega al baloncesto.
Nosotros jugamos al fútbol americano.
Answer:Las organizaciones de caridad sobreviven principalmente con donaciones. Pero para la mayoría, la temporada de vacaciones es el único momento en el que se puede confiar en que las donaciones fluyan libremente. Tienen que ser creativos para mantenerse a flote los otros 11 meses del año.
Hay cinco formas principales en que las organizaciones benéficas extienden su dinero: mediante el uso de voluntarios, organizando eventos de recaudación de fondos de gala, vendiendo productos, patrocinando eventos y publicitando para atraer más donaciones.
<span>The bedrooms in Boliva are very different from the bedrooms in the United States. In the United States, a persons bedroom is connected to the main home. The bedrooms have a bed, TV, dresser, curtains, and other things a person needs and wants in their rooms. In Bolivia, the bedrooms are usually not connected to the main home. The households in rural Bolivia have several scattered buildings in their courtyard. Many of these buildings hold bedrooms and other rooms needed in a household such as bathroom. The rooms in Bolivia do not have just one main building for all of their needs like we do here in the US, </span>
Adverbio de rápido es : rápidamente
another tittle i would give to the sliver smith and me is the path of my father
because the book was made based off depuity wolf who wanted to become Sheriff of the Sluice County SD, headquartered in the small ski resort town of Rocky Points, Colorado.