What is the question in this?
It’s coming at a time when production is booming, especially in India, the world’s number two sugar producer. Farmers in Thailand are also collecting massive crops. World stockpiles are set to swell to the highest ever this season and stay near the record next year, according to the US department of agriculture. Sugar futures in New York have already slumped 25% in 2018. That’s the biggest loss on the Bloomberg Commodity Index, which tracks returns for 22 components.
"Unless there’s a weather issue, it doesn’t look that the bulls have any hope for a sustained rally," said Donald Selkin, a New York-based chief market strategist at Newbridge Securities, which oversees about $2bn. "Everybody is trying to do away with sugar and sugary products. You see that in supermarkets and grocery stores. Demand is going to remain less than it’s been in recent years. The price is doomed to stay low for a while."
Mark as brainliest and thank me(:
Here's for one of them:
Type: Nuclear
Extraction: Uranium (the fuel for nuclear energy) is typically mined using open pit or sub-surface mining. Australia, Canada, Kazakhstan are where the world's largest deposits are.
Benefits: Low cost (if you don't count building the power plant), reliable (unlike wind & solar energy which comes and goes, nuclear is readily available), no carbon emissions, produce more energy than coal power plants (most popular energy source), no air pollutants emitted (all other nonrenewable sources, aka. coal, oil, and natural gas, release harmful air pollutants)
Risks to environment: Radioactive wastes require to be safely secured away for thousands of years before they can reach safe levels, nuclear accidents can happen, mining uranium cause land disturbance, thermal pollution in nearby bodies of water or wherever cooling water is released (this can lead to dissolved oxygen levels decreasing in that body of water which can suffocate aquatic life)
Other info: Nuclear energy makes up 10% of the world's energy consumption.