I cant see the statements
make sure to add those
In the first paragraph, MLK addresses the clergyman's words concerning the timing of the movement being "unwise and untimely", stating that he didn't have to take the time to answer the clergyman's questions, but because he respects them, he will answer their letter.
King's goal in issuing his "letter from a Birmingham jail" was to address criticisms directed against him by individuals who unarguably should have known better. The teachings of Jesus, he repeated, provided for the nonviolent activities that were solely intended to correct injustices.
It is false that qualifiers are words like every, never, sometimes, and usually. These are conjunctions, not qualifiers.
Republican by nature, Brutus never tried to hide his political convictions. Married to Cato's daughter, his cousin sister Porcia, he wrote a text extolling the qualities of his deceased father-in-law. Cesar was very fond of him and respected his opinions very much. However, Brutus, like many other senators, was not satisfied with the state of the Republic. Cesar had been appointed perpetual dictator and had passed several laws that concentrated power in his hands. It was rumored that only the crown was missing to match any king. The final period of the monarchy in Rome was a bad memory. The Romans had replaced royalty with the Republic and the more traditional did not want a return to such a system. Brutus was finally motivated to join the conspiracy by anonymous letters sent to him in which Rome asked for help. Brutus started a conspiracy against César along with his brother-in-law and friend Gaius Cassius Longinus and other senators. In the Ides of March (March 15, 44 BC), a group of senators, including Brutus, murdered César in the theater of Pompey.