It made it seem like a horror story at first, with some haunted house that makes their lives miserable but it went in another way as it would've seen, it being first person story, narrator tells us about her husband, John that brought her to this house for the summer. She describes the house in many different ways for example as “a mansion, a huge fancy place, I would say a haunted house.”, it looked like it'd been abandoned of some sort, then the narrator tells us about her illnesses where she can't do much, writing is one of them, John being a doctor took good care of her, even though he has many cases he supports best he can. So the narrator also suffers from her marriage apart from the illness that she has. She describes the house a lot and soon she describes to us her bedroom walls, the bars in her window and especially the yellow wallpaper. She sees many things wrong with the wallpaper and she describes it as strange formless patterns. She also talks about how it changes light colors in the day and then at night is different. She becomes obsess on finding out whats behind that wallpaper and she wants no one around to take a look because she wants to figure it out herself. She finally comes the conclusion that she discovered that the pattern does move and that there is a woman that shakes it. She says that she feels sometimes that there are great many women behind and that there are sometimes that there is just one, that she crawls around fast. At the end she becomes very insane and tells John that she is finally out of the wallpaper and that in fact she was that woman trapped inside the paper and that he can’t put her back inside.
I would describe Mrs.Sommers as a lonely lady with Alzheimer.
I fell happy with what she does with the fifteen dollars.
Ms. Hernandez painted this to illustrate pesticides how pesticides were poisoning our farm workers and children.
Also can i be Brainliest
you are considering the events and customs of that particular time period in which the narrative was written
A. The connotation of the word careless suggests that Marta doesn't pay attention to her things.
Careless, as used in the passage, shows that she was not being careful with her glasses thus she ended up breaking them. Since the passage said that she usually broke them within a week, we can infer she isn't careful with any pair of her designer glasses she has bought. Therefore, it cannot be B because she does NOT really care about her things, and C is off-topic because it never says that she prefers designer sunglasses, only that that is what she always bought.