Before the Garza sisters leave Hacienda Dorada for home, Abuelita Remedios gives Odilia some seeds, saying, “from my garden to yours” (344). The group travels through Monclova, and Odilia notes how beautiful it is. Just as the girls are about to part from their grandmother, they realize they have not brought their papers with them and therefore cannot cross the border legally. The girls worry that if they go to the police, then Child Protective Services will get involved.
Brutal, he was beaten daily. He should have never ended up behind bars but that’s how it goes in politics. He was finally released in 1978 and went on to spread awareness about prisoner treatment.
The quote "six feet from his head to his heels was all he needed" means that, in the end, the man only "needed" six feet of land,...
Hope it's help
singled women do feel treated differently because their colleagues are married, particularly in an office setting — they’re talking about their family and kids, planning to go out as couples.
Also, a man who feels in love with a singled woman will just concentrate on spending nights with the woman rather than on what they were called. And when that happens the progress of the company may be affected.
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B. Don't worry about preparing for pretest