I would say c but i am not 100% sure
It is answer A because the speaker cannot understand what he did wrong.
1) In Canto IV of "Inferno", Dante descends into Limbo, the First Circle of Hell. He tries to fix his eyes in order to know the place where he is. 'Limbus' in latin means edge, borger, margin. Dante chooses pictorical and musical elements to describe the setting. He distinguishes sounds: «Here, as mine ear could note, no plaint was heard / Except of sighs, that made the eternal air / Tremble, not caused by tortures, but from grief». It's a place of «shadowy sadness», «dark and deep and murky». It's a «blind world» beacuse here lie men and women that never knew the light of hope that is Christ. The pale faces of Virgil and other characters reveal the anguish of knowing the they will never enjoy the presence of God. Eventhough, near the end of the Canto IV, Dante characterizes this circle as serene in comparisson with climate with storms and where no light shines that is properly Hell.
2) According to medieval theologists, this was the place where babies whithout being baptized rested. Also, this place exists for patriarchs, virtuous people whose only fault was not to be baptized. For his time, Dante was daring, because he gave more importance to figures like Aristotle and Homer than to the unbaptized infants. Some of the characters the Dante places in Limbo are easily known, like Aristotle, Democritus and Homer. He names many biblical figures, such as Noah, Abel and Moses. Dante meets many characters from Greek and Latin tradition. Naso and Lucan are some examples. Other characters are mythological: like Hector or Electra. There are also a muslims: Saladin, Avicenna and Averroes. This many characters make difficult to understand this circle, since they imply numerous traditions: poetry, philsophy, mathematics, heroes.
Tectonic shift is the movement of the plates that make up Earth's crust. ... The heat from radioactive processes within the planet's interior causes the plates to move, sometimes toward and sometimes away from each other. This movement is called plate motion, or tectonic shift.
In 2013, Dr. Dale Archer posted an article called “Forever Young: American’s Obsession with Never Growing Old” in which he explains how most Americans are so obsessed with looking or acting young in the 21st Century. Archer is deeply worried about how the advances in technology have negatively influenced the way we perceive ourselves nowadays. In his article, Archer is trying to warn the readers about these changes. He wants us to open our eyes, to be critical thinkers, to understand that technology is altering the way we feel about ourselves and our surroundings. The media, television, video games, magazines, among others, are actually trying to convince us of something that we are not. Archer wants us to understand that being old is part of being a human being. Aging is an intrinsic part of our lives that we cannot ever deny and that we all must confront one day.