When the powerful, rich or leaders wage war the ones who suffer are not them but their subjects who must engage in the fighting itself. This is exemplified in every war in human history. Those who suffer are not the leaders but the soldiers.
D) Sociological studies rely on empirical data.
Sociology is a science because it's empirical: it is based on the systematic and planned observation of the non-social phenomenon and not on vain speculation. The investigations are supported by the scientific method. Therefore, it has an object of study, the field of study-In addition to using its own methods and techniques to verify social facts.
iterary elements include story line (plot), character, story organization (beginning, middle, end), plot structures (rising action, turning point, falling action), conflict, suspense, theme, language, style, dialogue, monologue. technical elements include scenery (set), costumes, props, lights, sound, music, makeup