La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.
Las etapas de la prehistoria básicamente son:
La Edad de Piedra. Durante esta época hace muchos miles d años, los primeros humanos comenzaron a realizar algunas actividades con el apoyo de las piedras, como objetos y utensilios para abrir o romper cosas.
Las divisiones de esta etapa son el Paleolítico, Mesolítico y el Neolítico-
La Edad de los Metales. Durante esta época, los humanos empiezan a descubrir cómo trabajar con ciertos metales. Hacen a un lado las piedras y se sirven de los metales para avanzar. En esta etapa también comienza la formación de las primeras civilizaciones.
Luego ya vienen la Edad Antigua y grandes civilizaciones, la Edad Media y las grandes monarquía Europeas y los señores feudales. Aquí también se incluye la era de la Exploración y el descubrimiento de América, el Renacimiento y la Ilustración.
Luego viene la edad moderna de los 1700s hasta nuestra época actual.
B. Support a limited monarchy.
This is the correct answer because the anti-federalists wanted to emphasize the state governments while the federalists wanted to derail the state governments and create one whole federal goverment.
He said it was the inspiring life of Frederick Douglas because Frederick Douglases life was inspiring.
That is false lesbians were, technically, legal in Germany. The exception was Austria, later annexed by the Germans, where sexual acts between women had been criminalized since the 19th century.
see below the con and pros
in the modern-day city of Istanbul which was Constantinople, now its Istanbul, not Constantinople. Which provided the inspiration for a song made famous by They Might Be Giants.
the fall of Byzantine empire, the question of what life would be like, if it hadn’t, will never be answered. Sure, there might be some alternate reality where the Byzantines are alive and well. Aspects of string theory certainly suggest so. But who knows what the modern political landscape might look like with the formal existence of the Byzantine?
The fall of the Byzantine empire is part of the history of the world, as we know it. We might wear hats on our feet for all we know. What might the world look like if the empire had not fallen?
Fall of the Byzantine empire led to an abundance of knowledge that is lost forever, think about that forever. The loss of “Greek Fire” is definitely a drag. Greek Fire was an incendiary weapon used by the Byzantine navy, and could burn on water. No one knows just what went into that technological advantage possessed by the Byzantines.