it a really hard school to get in
If we examine democracy within a certain country, we can definitely conclude that people are able to participate within the government, whether it be directly, or indirectly (a republic). In each case, people are involved in the government, and the people that they choose to elect can affect the laws that are passed, the actions that are taken, etc.
Example: If I vote to elect someone I think would make a great president, I would want him to serve not only myself, but my country as well. In addition, the actions that president takes can have a critical effect on future events. In other words, the actions they do now, can have an effect on decisions in the future.
Women typically took over men's jobs.
During the duration of World War II, the US government called for the American women to do their part in the war, such as saving material needed for the war effort and recycling them, as well as working in factories. They also were asked to be used as nurses in the front if needed.
The effect of this when the men came back from the war, was that many ladies did not want to go back to be "home-owners", and would rather work away from home as well. This led to them trying to 'take' men's jobs away, and led to the women's movement for the right to work outside.