1. the middle colonies were four of the thirteen colonies in british america,located between the new england colonies and the southern colonied.
2. leader and owner was william penn he was the son of a prominent admiral
3. contains calendars,tide tables, moon phases, weather forecasts and advice.
4. plain clothes,women wear dresses and bonnets, men wear straw hats and have beards with no mustaches.
5.they farmed important grains that helped keep the colonist alive.
6. william bartram. he was called the flower hunter because he talked to indians about where to find flowers and other plants.
7.they formed a colony of fisherman who lived and worked in the swamps and bayous.they developed a successful method of drying shrimp in the sun on raised platforms that was exported to other countries. they hid in the marshlands to avoid being captured they built their houses on stilts.
8. Acceptances on differences
Long-term v. short-term presidency: Some wanted lifelong terms down to two year terms--there were concerns of chaotic changes not allowing for stability and the states' rights side (Anti-Federalists) wanted the ability to change power often.
There were also discussions regarding qualifications and powers of the president. Most of the disagreements were decided by compromise leading to the government that is created out of the Constitutional Convention.
The right answer for the question that is being asked and shown above is that: "decreased over time and are primarily accepted by writ of certiorari" Petitions to the U.S. Supreme Court have <span>decreased over time and are primarily accepted by writ of certiorari</span>
Answer: We wanted Texas was one reason.
Well rather than ride slaves horse and carriage were popular with slaves as attendances in case there was a need and of course trains too