In the city, it should be 12 to 15 seconds, or about 1.5 to 2 city blocks. Assessors can determine eye lead time by watching the driver's glance, asking the driver to periodically describe objects they observe in the distance, and then timing how long it takes to get there.
Answer:monitoring the patients physical appearance, heart rate, skin temperature, and blood oxygen.
Answer and Explanation:
Apical impulse is the place in the chest where the heartbeat can be palpated. The usual location depends on the morphological type of the person. In a normolineal individual, it is located at the intersection of the 4th or 5th left intercostal space with the left midclavicular line. This point corresponds to the area where the heart is closest to the costal grid thus allowing its palpation in an intercostal space. Usually lasts half of systole.
All of the above, are true