Answer: Archduke was assassinated in Sarajevo (Bosna which has mixed population - Croats, Serbs, Muslims). Gavrilo Princip was Serbian student living in Bosna. So to answer your question, the assassin of archduke was Serbian.
The British government imposed many taxes, duties and fees on the colonies. These taxes, duties, and fees burdensome to the colonists. The British also forcably required quartering of troops in private houses. Some of the most imposing burdens on the colonists wer the sugar act, stamp act, tea act, revenue act, and quartering act. these are a few but there were more.
because he was doing satayagraha (peaceful protest) which inspired mlk.
In absolute monarch the monarch hold all the power, so in reality they gain more power. As in constitutional monarchy its the head of state who holds the power. The laws are different between them.