Third inversion and second inversion
I feel like they could help the onlookers of whatever they are taking a picture of to understand, and create more of an understanding of what they are looking at. This could also give lookers insight as to what the photographer was thinking (what they were feeling about the situation) when he/she took the picture
I do hiiii
what's your favorite anime?
Un meme1 es, en las teorías sobre la difusión cultural, la unidad teórica de información cultural2transmisible de un individuo a otro, o de una mente a otra, o de una generación a la siguiente. Es un neologismo acuñado por Richard Dawkins en El gen egoísta (The Selfish Gene), por la semejanza fonética con «gene» —gen en idioma inglés— y para señalar la similitud con «memoria» y «mimesis».