The advance of the Ottoman Empire into Europe was stopped b the fact that they an unsuccessful siege in Vienna. Following on from this, their Encampment was also routed by Jan III Sobeski, of the Polish Army
The Supreme Court’s decisions apply to all the States.
If Arizona passed a law that the Court found unconstitutional, that law would be invalid in all the other states. That’s the way they designed the Court.
Before a law gets to the Supreme Court, it goes through the state’s highest court, or the Federal Court for that district. If that court rules that it’s OK, the people against it can appeal to the Supreme Court. If the Supreme Court rules against the law, that law goes away. Sometimes the Supreme Court can decide not to hear a case. when that happens, the law stands.
If the Court decides that a particular law is unconstitutional, Congress can always come up with a revised law.
About 0.15 seconds ago
The universe was created about 14 billion years back after the big bang explosion, and right from that time, the universe is expanding at a certain rate and there released the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) radiations.
If this 14 billion years history of the universe were compressed to one single year, then the earth was formed by the month of September and life originated on earth by the end of September.
The "present-day" or "now" would have been on the 31st of December at midnight, and our grandparents were born about 0.15 seconds back.