In the European race to colonial dominance, the Treaty of Tordesillas legitimized Spain’s holdings in the New World, indicating Spanish primacy over Portugal.The successes of Columbus ushered in an era of Spanish conquest that led numerous other European explorers to attempt similar colonization projects.Spain gained immense wealth from this expansionism, which translated into an influx of Spanish art and cultural capital.
Summary: They wanted political power because if you had an empire big enough you would have more power and control and they wanted to spread Catholicism and gain favor with the pope.
Hopefully this helps you
pls mark brainlest
Customers attempt to withdraw more money than the bank has on hand
The trustee period in Georgia is literally the first two decades of its existence. The fact that the state population grew real quick was one of the best events because it allowed the state to build more schools and gain political representation. The negative part was that it grew bigger through the practice of slavery.
Answer: The US government blamed Osama Bin Laden (and the Taliban), and decided that the response was to invade Afghanistan.
Explanation: The United States harnessed the islamaphobia that resulted from the 9/11 hijackers being Muslim to instill fear in the nation and use that as an excuse to invade Afghanistan, long a point of interest for the United States.
John locke believed the government was should only be in place to protect unaliable rights such as life liberty and property