Hover for more information. Lyddie feels sad when Charlie leaves, because she will miss him and Rachel. Since their mother left, Lyddie has been alone most of the time. When Charles tells her that he has a new family and offers to take Rachel, Lyddie feels lonely.
<em>The correct answer is number 2</em>. In the Fifth Episode of Oedipus the King the audience does not see Jocasta hang herself. It was the second messenger that announces the death of Jocasta.
Oedipus Rex is a play written bu <em>Sophocles.</em> The story is a classic Greek drama that describes the life of Oedipus, the ruler of Thebes, in the times where the citty had been suffering by a plague. The play is exceptional for its melancholy and tension.
The context (1899, New Orleans and Louisiana) is shown in some details. The use of some particular words like eager, composture, impaired is a sign of it. Also the fact that the money had to be transported phisically. It's also clear in the way Kate Chopin describes the like of women for the money. This is somewhat a macho point of view that has to do with the time and political context she lived in.