"Forebears" means ancestors. By invoking the memory and stature and wisdom of those who "prescribed" the "solemn oath" used to swear new presidents into office, President Kennedy was connecting his new administration with all the history and accomplishment of preceding administrations. He was hoping to emphasize a connection with values upon which the United States was founded. Hope you find this useful!
The similarities / characteristics the two cars share
A Reach College is a college to which you have a less than 50% chance of being admitted
24.80/0.08 = 3.10
24.80/0.015 = 16.53
16.53 + 3.10 = 19.63
24.80 - 19.63 = 5.17
You might do this on a Calculator but you have to match the answers up with the condition of the Question.
Is that the full question