e. A positive economic statement can be proved; a normative statement cannot.
A positive economic statement are objective statement that can be tested, amended or rejected by referring to available evidence.
this means in essence that a positive economic statement is prone to improvement when proven. it is not rigid
a normative statement is subjective that cannot be changed. it is rigid.
False. The location-specific advantages argument associated with John Dunning does help explain the direction of FDI. However, the location-specific advantages argument does not explain why firms prefer FDI to licensing or to exporting.
If the carrot doesn't work, try the stick.
This phrase clearly describes how advertising and promotions work:
If the carrot doesn't work: the tempting carrot refers to advertisement, and the doesn't work part refers to advertisement that is not able to change consumer habits and increase sales.
Try the stick refers to offering promotions or positive incentives like discounts or larger packs.
Another example would be the penalty imposed on individuals that refused to purchase health care insurance (eliminated in 2018). The carrot were the benefits obtained by having health insurance and the stick was the negative incentive (or penalty) imposed as a fine for those who didn't purchase health insurance.
LLC is known as limited liability company. It is a corporate structure in the United States whereby the proprietors are not by and by subject for the organization's obligations or liabilities. Constrained risk organizations are crossover substances that join the attributes of a company with those of an association or sole ownership.
I think Jennifer’s payment for the month is 3,800