Subsistence crops are grown for the direct benefit of the farmer and their family. Cash crops are grown to deliberately be sold. ... Cotton makes a poor subsistence crop because you can't eat it and it has to be processed before it's useful (ginned, spun and woven)
the correct answer is B :)
hat depends on the context, if your speaking about the colonization of when the pilgrams came then it started from the East Coast of what is today the United States and slowly worked its way West. In the beginning of the colonization 13 states were made on the East and the Native Americans had the entire west coast. Eventually more states were added as the colonials pushed further West, Their belief was in "Manifest Destiny" which was the belief that the Americans had the Right to move further west and colonize because it was Gods will. good luck hopefully this helps you
Timbuktu traded several items such as books, gold, and salt. Silk was produced originally in China and traded on the Silk Road.
The Revolution of 1905 began in St. Petersburg in Jan 22