Occupational safety and health.
Occupational Health and Safety Administration.
Perform injury.
1. a. General statement to particular thesis.
2. c. Don't give a repetition of facts word for word.
3. a. Fragment - Although he rarely goes. to the mall, to the store, on vacation, to a party, to school.
4. a. Fragment - When the stone hit the window. , it shattered., , the stone bounced off., , my father yelled at me.
5. b. comma-splice - the comma or and not both
6. c. no error
7. b. comma-splice - think, I have ever missed <-------fragmented due to the missing of have (I have never missed my appointment., I may have missed my appointment.)
8. c. no error found
it is foreshadowing since the clocks where seen in the beginning and then showed up later in the movie.
Snickers- disrespectful laugh, Snares- to catch something (animal), Complexion- the skin and features of face, Confide-to tell someone something private, Benefit- a gained advantage, Volume- a publication (as a book) & Bother- to take the time to do something :) you’re welcome!