<h2>1: gave (v) usher (Io) tickets (do). what did you do ?</h2>
we gave
<h3>what did you give ?</h3>
<h3>who received the results?</h3>
<h3>2: The doctor handed (v) Chris (Io) the prescription (do) </h3><h3>3:</h3>
The event most directly caused by the Glorious Revolution was the birth of a son to James II. Although England was a Protestant State, Jaime I was catholic and, therefore, so was his son.
This, sided with Jaime II's attempt to rein without the Parliament, led to his deposition, giving the Parliament substantial power and causing the Glorious Revolution.
Alternative B.
Vittorio Orlando was the prime minister of Italy<span>. Italy had declared war on Germany in 1915 after the Secret Treaty of London. In the treaty France and Britain had agreed that Italy would be given the Adriatic coast at the end of the war. When Orlando arrived at Versailles he expected Britain and France to keep to their word.
</span>Italy was given the two small areas of Istria and the South Tirol. The Adriatic coast was made part of a new country called Yugoslavia, which included Serbia and Bosnia.
Italy did not receive the land of the Adriatic coast that they were promised.