Thomas Jefferson bought Louisiana from France.
A special one-year tax to help pay for building new schools would serve as an example of how local taxes support the economy. Public school funding is usually based on local taxes and therefore, this example is most likely exemplary of this.
I am going to presume after the ww2 bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki you mean. in that case the Japanese had to become allies and japan was changed to a democratic state under the power of their allies. popular culture dominated although traditional arts continued.
Well what power the mesopatamians developed the first form of writing known as cuineaform and they invented the first wooden plow and we use those two things today.writing documents,laws,contracts and many other stuff.The plow is used for farming but now adays we just put them on huge tractors that so it for us
Part of it is intentional and another factor is pure ignorance, many in rural areas (so most of the country) don’t know that there were even African slaves in the Dominican Republic. Instead our Blackness is so embedded into our culture as to be inseparable from our national identity. In honor and remembrance of the African slaves who built our country and who continue to live on through us I thought I could give a quick (by no means comprehensive) overview of the different ways the Dominican Republic has been shaped by and forms part of the African diaspora.