The colonists thought the king didn't think of them as true British citizens.
Hi there!
(Because this question has been posted before, I will . be posting my previous response to it here.)
In the case of Bush v. Gore, the Supreme Court ruled that the vote recount in Florida was unconstitutional because it violated voters equal protection under the law. The justices also found the Florida Supreme Court's ruling to be unconstitutional, deeming that the court was making up new election laws; a power that belongs to the legislature. The reason the recount was considered a violation of the equal protection of the laws was because it was determined that "arbitrary and disparate" treatment of voters ballots after the fact devalued the votes.
if your talking about the middle ages, then people usually would wear wool because it's a very warm material, they made big fireplaces, and they would kind of like hibernate and sleep close together because of body heat