actions that governments take and implement to revive their countries and the people.
In the final line of the poem "Third World Geography", the act of "getting up" refers to the actions that governments take and implement to revive their countries and the people.
However, the poem concludes that those countries who do not have hopes and aspirations would fail to get up from its miserable state because their leaders are inefficient and corrupted who do not take any heed to the people's voices.
Para llegar a tener los labios rosados rápido y naturalmente es importante despejas las impurezas de los labios y mantenerlos hidratados. Puedes intentar usar algunos remedios naturales en casa como el limón, la miel, el aceite de oliva, el aloe vera y el azúcar.
Calpurnia is being motherly, taking the kids to church after washing them the night before, making sure they were dressed and ready to go to church that day, protecting them from a criticizing negro woman.
It’s (D) because it’s the only one that makes sense when you read it out loud