Jonas is a dynamic character. He changes during the course of the novel due to his experiences and actions. ... He experiences an inner conflict because he misses his old life, his childhood, and his innocence, but he can't return to his former way of life because he has learned too much about joy, color, and love.
Mercutio has never been in love himself. Romeo fell in love extremely fast with Rosaline. Romeo got rejected by Rosaline.
When John Denver testified at the Senate in 1985, he was really upset that the lyrics in his song "Rocky Mountain High" were misinterpreted as drug related lyrics by people who had never been to the Rocky Mountains. For him, suppression of society begins with censorship of spoken and written word, as it happened in Nazi Germany, and it mustn't be tolerated in any democratic society. People should be free to choose what content they want them and their children to access to, and artists should be free to express themselves in any way they feel like to.
Thus, although he was strongly against any kind of censorship, he considered that there was a need for the creation of a national panel to review lyrics so that artists wouldn't get banned in vain, since this affected their reputation and work. The panel should only warn the consumer of such content.
The stars represent fate, and a romeo is challenging fate’s apparent decree.
First of all, the other answers are very literal and that’s not what english class is about. Second, in Romeo and Juliet, everything is trying to keep them apart. There is distance between them and their families are holding them back from one another. It seems like fpthere have been many obstacles put by fate, trying to show them that they shouldn’t be together. but since romeo loves juliet so passionately, he’s telling the stars, which represent fate, that he’ll defy them. the reason the stars represent fate is because of the phrase that goes “it was written in the stars.”
I don’t understand your question ......