The Berlin Airlift caused tensions to increase due to American airplanes transporting goods to democratic and West Berlin while East Berlin was owned by communist USSR.
Peter saw the sheet of unclean animals three times
The answer to this question can be quite subjective. Some people will say that the telephone is the most important invention, or the automobile, or the plane, but for me personally, I'd choose antibiotics.
It is a modern-day invention (as opposed to the Middle Ages, for example) which changed our lives for the better. Before penicillin was discovered in the 1920s by Alexander Fleming, people were constantly dying because of most harmless diseases. But after antibiotics were invented, people were given a chance to recover from their illnesses much more easily.
Answer: I agree with the right side(republicans) because they are more conservative. The gas prices begin to lower, prices like food, clothes, etc. are lower, Health care is easier to find, and Jobs are easier to find plus viruses don't get spread around as much.