Any thing u have to write or it Jus has to be about that
When I go to class at school, I am most often not excited to be at school, but more or less excited to see my friends. Being strictly in online classes, has mad me very anxious to arrive back at school and get back to my normal social life. I miss being able to talk to my friends and get help on my homework questions. When I do my online courses, I sit alone and the work is extremely tedious. I feel like I am only getting busy worked, which makes the school day feel ten times longer. I do, however, enjoy being able to stop and take breaks whenever I want. It makes me feel more relaxed knowing I am doing my homework at my own pace and am not being rushed. Most often at school, I am anxious over the amount of time I have left for an assigment, while at home I am calm and relaxed because I am on my own schedule. Overall, online classes make me feel at ease, but I feel dismal not being able to see my friends everyday.
- Hope this helps! Although, this is on how you compare online learing versus in-school learning. I would suggest modifying it to fit what you feel.
Its pretty much like a main idea so the main thing in a passage. Example:
Dogs are mainly like humans. They like to eat, sleep, and drink. I think that dogs could pretty much be humans if you got passed there fur and form.
The main idea of that passage would be that dogs are like humans.
Hope it makes since. From, brainly person.