Yay rp time. Abby, 10 in wolf years and is 12 in human years (Not real age) straight and can change from human to wolf and usually the color blue and white, can fly, can teleport, and use telekinesis.
Answer: Treble clef lines starting from the bottom line: Every Good Boy Deserves Fudge
Treble clef spaces: FACE
Bass Clef Lines: Good Boys Deserve Fudge Always
Bass clef spaces: All Cows Eat Grass
A minor is a minor scale based on A, with the pitches A, B, C, D, E, F, and G. Its key signature has no flats and no sharps. Its relative major is C major and its parallel major is A major.
1. 4-line staff
F, C, or G clef
notes on 5-line staff with clef
mensuration (longas and breves)
time signature (perfect or half circle)
most recent
notes on 5-line staff
modern clefs
modern note values (whole, half, quarter, and so on)
modern time signature
Italian words and abbreviations for dynamics and tempo
staccato, slurs, and so on
2. Motets and Madrigals. Briefly compare and contrast these two forms from the Renaissance. Listen to the Josquin Desprez motet and the madrigals of Weelkes and Jannequin and use them as examples for comparison. Your opinion is valuable. Please expand on what you read in the lesson and other sources