The response is that anthropologists take an etic approach.
One set of concepts that is important in cultural analysis in anthropology is the idea of emic and etic. Emic refers to the close cultural understandings and fine detail you get from gaining an insider's view of culture, whereas etic refers to viewing a culture essentially as an outsider, from a perspective that can make larger comparisons of similarities and differences with other cultures. The notion is that you gain different insights depending on the perspective because from the etic view, for example, you are taking an outsider's view and you may see patterns and similitudes that somebody from within the culture can't see.
I believe functional magnetic resonance imaging
Well the class structure was lords then samurais then farmers. How it stabilized society was it set a strict code to follow for each of the classes and they followed that. How it unified? I'm not so sure but my guess is that every person in each class fought for their power like the lords or for their land like the farmers.
A fact, the question can be proven through evidence