Definición de nómada y sedentario: las personas nómadas viajan de un lugar a otro y no hacen asentamientos permanentes. El estilo de vida sedentario o, de lo contrario, el sedentarismo se puede definir como una sociedad o forma de vida en la que las personas se establecen permanentemente en un lugar.
Those with the power in democracy are arguable the individuals who are elected in a representative democracy or those that are in the majority in a strict definition of democracy. They keep their power by remaining in the majority position on issues that are important to them or continuing to be elected. And the role of the individual in a strict democracy is not very important because it is the collective that has greater strength than the individual but an individual can still vote to influence democracy.
e) positive or negative environmental stimulus that motivates behavior.
- An incentive can be a positive as well as a negative set of patterns that tends to stimulate the environment and it also motivates and triggers the arousal of the environmental stimulus.
- An incentive can also act as a plan of action that defines the events and sets the conditions of the growth and development of the behaviors.